Transcending Time;Time pauses while I am thrown down under a foaming wave scurrying to figure out which way is up
While this print seems to serve a personal function, I hope that my viewers find personal meaning by looking into themselves and thinking about how time is relevant to their lives. In our society a vast majority of people let time control them so much that they are never fully present. Many doctors and therapists recommend that patients forget about time for parts of their day and lose themselves in an activity which creates flow, or completely living in the moment. Studies have proven the health benefits of people who engage in activities or events which focus on parts of this eastern philosophy. During my moments of transcending time I have felt more alive, loved, relaxed, and connected with a higher power. I hope that people can relate my print and make a connection to a moment in their life when they had felt that way. I think that our world would be a little more peaceful and happier if people took time to forget about the past and the future and become fully engulfed in the present.