Monday, January 19, 2009

More work with the figure.  The figure has been an important subject in most of my work since I began drawing long ago.  Now that I have graduated and am not currently enrolled in any art classes I thought I would set the figure aside and concentrate on other subjects, but it seems that I cannot entirely get away from such a beautiful life form.  So, I will continue to figure draw at local gatherings, encourage my friends to pose nude for me (which is not always easy), attend a drawing class next month, and take a different approach with the figure focusing more on the internal structure. The anatomy of the form.  What lies underneath the flesh.  The spinal cord is such an important part of the human body.  In my eyes I think of it as the trunk of the skeletal structure from which many things stem.  The curved line complete with its puzzle piece vertebrae lies among many of the chakras or energy forces.  The human body continues to amaze me everyday, especially as I learn more about anatomy and certain functions of various parts of the human form. While becoming more in tune with my body through physical activity and light forms of yoga I continue to deepen my understanding and fascination.  So while I will be experimenting with other subject matter or styles of art (more specifically abstract/expressionistic art) I will continue to express my love of the figure.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Monday, January 05, 2009

Brittle Winter