Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I recently received a new digital camera for my Birthday from my wonderful parents (thanks)! I have been taking some new pictures of my work and hope to have them posted by the end of the week......so stay tuned for some artwork. In the meantime here is a quote that I find very interesting:
"I am a night painter, so when I come into the studio the next morning the delirium is over. I come into the studio very fearfully, I creep in to see what happened the night before. And the feeling is one of, "my god, did I do that?" -Philip Guston
I am sure that other artists can identify with this quote as I have. While engaged in the creation process I become so involved that I rarely if ever step away to look at what I have done. I become so much a part of my work it is hard to notice it during the intense moment of "flow." This is why coming in the next morning can be so exciting and scary at the same time.


Unknown said...

I totally agree. It's a trance-like state of creative bliss. A feverish frenzie of the subconscious and the conscious. Sometimes you go back, see what you did earlier, and love it...other times not so much.

jjkemp said...

its like waking up next to a stranger after a hard night of drinkin.